President - Vicky
Vice President - Emily
Treasurer - ellie
Secretary - hannah
Competition Co - AlyshA
Show Co - caitlin
Campus and Community - Ellen
Health and Safety - Emma
Publicity - shannon
Publicity Officer - Isi
Socials - jess
SocialS - kate
Hi, I'm Vicky Meadows a MSc Psychology of Advertising student.
As president, I manage the general running of the society along with our fantastic exec to organise classes, events and competitions for our members! I also act as the society's representative to the Student Union and university, and am here to help with anything that crops up during the year. I'm so excited to be this years president and can't wait to have another amazing LUDanS year!
My name is Emily Barnett and I'm in my 3rd Year studying French and German. As Vice President I've got a variety of different jobs. Along with helping out the president and my fellow exec members, I am in charge of sorting out freshers packs and the merchandise. This year I decided to add a new responsibility to the role as a sort of welfare officer - an impartial ear, advice-giver, and cup of tea maker if anyone in our society needs it.
Hi I'm Lysh, a third year Economics and Politics student, and I'm your LUDanS Competition Coordinator! My role involves organising competitions and being the main point of contact for the competition squad with both dancers and choreographers. I am really looking forward to organising the Dance section of our home Roses competition this year and I can't wait to meet the new squads and have another successful competition season!
I'm Jess and I am one of your Social Secretaries. I'm a second year Economics student and I have absolutely loved competing and performing as part of LUDanS. I am excited to partake in a more active role in the society this year as one of your Social Secretaries, along with Kate which means we are responsible for organising your fortnightly socials. Aiming for inclusive and exciting nights out, I am looking forward to creating some great new memories and hopefully getting all of the society involved.
Heyyy, I'm Shannon McCaul a second year Advertising and Marketing Management Student and I am one of your publicity officers! This role ties in well with my degree along with my love of being on my phone, now I actually have an keep you guys in the know! (about all the great LUDanS things).
Isi and I will be working closely together to make sure all social media and the website are kept upto date so that the society know what is going on. I'm a bubbly person and always up for a chat (procrastination from my work) so feel free to come and talk to me about anything, i'll be delighted to hear from you!
Hi! I’m Hannah Creamer and I’m your Secretary for the next academic year. I am a 3rd year Theatre Studies student which ties in very well to dance, as I love performing. My job is to sort out all the admin for exec, I deal with the memberships at the beginning of the year, I organise the weekly meetings and I produce our brand-new newsletter every week. Feel free to ask me anything about memberships and anything else LUDansey including the annual musical. Can’t wait to see you all in Fresher’s Week and meet all the new freshers and see all the familiar faces. I’m excited to be a part of this wonderful exec and make LUDanS the best society on campus.
Hi I'm Caitlin and I'm a third year psychology student. Most importantly, I'm your Show Coordinator this year! I'll be organising the annual LUDanS show, including choreographers, venue and costumes. The show is something which everyone can get involved in and has been the highlight of my LUDanS experience so far!
Hi I'm Ellen, a third year Earth and Environmental student and I'm your LUDanS Campus and Community Officer. My role involves organising the performance squad by arranging performances across campus and within the community all year round. I also promote and organise events to support charities. This year we are supporting Danceaid and Crohn's and Colitis UK. Im SO excited to perform with you all and raise as much money ask we can for these wonderful charities!
Hiii I'm Emma and I am the health and safety officer and I study human geography. My role as part of LUDanS is to make sure all of our lovely LUDancers are safe and sound and have a friendly face to come to if they are injured, need help or just a general chit chat.
Hey I'm Isi a film and English literature student!
As one of the publicity officers, my role is to advertise the society around campus and online, monitor and post on our social media and generally get the LUDanS name out there!
I’m Kate Morse and I’m a third-year student of English Literature and Creative Writing. I am delighted to be the social secretary for the 2017/18 LUDanSers, which means I will be organising all the events and socials throughout the year, together with my amazing partner Jessica Blamphin.
Hey! I’m Ellie Fewster, a second year Economics student. My role involves managing and organizing the society’s finances to ensure that we are still able to afford all of the wonderful things that LUDanS does. We’re a really friendly bunch and I’m always up for a chat. I’m looking forward to seeing all of our returning members and cannot wait to meet our new recruits!